Morning of the Earth Surfboards

Morning of the Earth Surfboards

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Morning of the Earth Surfboards is a premium Australian brand that hand-shapes surfboards inspired by the classic surf film Morning of the Earth. The brand is dedicated to creating surfboards that capture the essence of the early period of Australian soul surfing, with a focus on beautiful glide and speed. Morning of the Earth Surfboards are made with high-quality materials and craftsmanship, and they are sure to last for years to come.

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Morning of the Earth Surfboards

Morning of the Earth Little Wing Surfboard

A lively board designed to get in nice an early and glide down the line effortlessly.
Morning of the Earth Surfboards

Morning of the Earth Massive Surfboard

A mid length cruiser that's designed to make the most of smaller days and offer as much paddle power as possible for an early take off on the bigger days.
Morning of the Earth Surfboards

Morning of the Earth Fiji Surfboard

A versatile all-rounder than can cruise in the smaller stuff and take on some seriously powerful waves.