Reubyn's Garage

After a solid winter and a load of footage to edit, Rob Blackett has launched his latest film with our team rider Reubyn Ash.

Reubyn's Garage features three distinct sections, with solid backside surfing, a firing left-hand point, and a proper tubing slab. We asked Reubyn about his board choices for the three sections and why he rode what he did, when he did. 

"First off, that Raging Bull! I love this one, in anything from waist to just overhead. If the waves are good (like in the first section where I'm riding backhand), it's just perfect. It's nice and wide, so good for airs and I just feel very confident with it".

"Next up, the Forget Me Not 2 at my local point break. Not a board I pull out of the garage as regularly as my Raging Bull or Xero Gravity maybe, but on days like this, it's definitely the right board. A couple of inches longer than my normal shortboard gives me loads of paddle, and it's a very narrow outline. Means that I can paddle into anything and push the board hard through a bottom turn, stall into the tube, and fly out the other side straight into a carve. Perfect".

"The slab wave in the final part was perfect for the Schooner. I'd only just got it, and this 5'9 was the ideal board for this wave. It's got a fair bit of rocker, and really low rails so perfect for late takeoffs, steep drops, and knifing in under the lip. As you'll see later in the clip, it's still pretty handy in the air too".

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